Would You like to Lose 20lbs 
of Stubborn Body Fat
and Keep It Off Permanently?
Are you tired of strict diets, extreme calorie-cutting, and gruesome workouts?
Are you looking for a better, easier and a longer-lasting solution?
Would You like to Lose 20lbs 
of Stubborn Body Fat
and Keep It Off Permanently?
Are you tired of strict diets, extreme calorie-cutting, and gruesome workouts?
Are you looking for a better, easier, and a longer-lasting solution?
Want to failure-proof your health and fitness goals?

If you answered “Yes” to any of the above questions, you’ve come to the right place. 

I’m going to show you how to set a weight-loss target and hit it every single time. 

And you can do it without stress, without spending more time at the gym and without restricting your calories or cutting out carbs. 

Sounds impossible right?

The answer is actually really simple. 

But before I explain this little-known secret formula for fat-loss, we need to understand the problem in detail.
Crack the code of Fitness 
and change your Physical Reality
Do you have an area in your life where you excel? 

Maybe you’re a star performer at your job or you’re an excellent parent…

But you can never seem to crack the code of fitness and change your physical reality? 

The reason isn’t because you’re not motivated or smart. No. The reason is that you’ve been following a flawed model based on outdated exercise physiology and behavioural psychology.
Don't Worry. I am NOT going to ask you...
  • to eat 6 meals per day  
  • to ​weigh all of your food 
  • ​to 'Move more and Eat Less'
  • ​to do more CARDIO
Presenting 'The Gravity 6-Week Challenge'
'The Gravity 6-Week Shred Challenge' is my own fine-tuned Fat-loss Blueprint. It has been developed and improved with 10 years of my personal training experience.  

Before implementing this system, 50% of my clients would quit before achieving any noticeable results.  After 'The Gravity 6-Week Shred Challenge' my clients' success rate went from 50% to 93% which means over 12,000 people have taken this challenge and have succeeded. 
Our Special Sauce: 
Frequency, Consistency and Accountability
The secret is actually SUPER SIMPLE.

I’ve always told my training clients two harsh truths: 

“The best diet is the one you’ll stick with” 


“The best workout plan is the one you’ll do.”

You see, having an Olympic coach planning your weekly meals for you, makes no difference if...

You don’t follow it. 

Or having me give you custom workout plan… a plan that will GUARANTEE you get the body you want, makes no difference if…

You don’t use it. 

I’m going to tell you something that most trainers don’t have the balls to tell you: 

I’d rather you follow a sensible diet and a basic workout plan consistently than half-ass some fancy new celebrity workout. No, Really!

You won’t see any changes in the mirror if you work out for a week and stop. 

Spending countless hours in front of the mirror is not the answer. 

Let me explain this with a simple image from the book 'The Slight Edge' by Jeff Olson
In the image above, you see two arrows - one going upwards and the other going downwards. 

According, to the author Jeff - at every single minute in your life you are either moving on the positive side of the arrow or the negative side of the arrow. 

What's really interesting is no matter what you do, for a very long time the positive side and the negative side run parallel. As in, your results are not visible so you don't know if you are on the positive side or negative side. This is the same reason why a lot of people quit exercise programs early. Because they haven't see the results and they think it is not going to work for them. 

That’s why our program is all about simplicity, accountability and consistency. 
We know that:
+ our workouts 
+ our diet plans 
We’ve tested these on thousands of students over the past 10 years and gotten amazing results.
This Program Works For Anyone Who…
Look we’re all human. That means that we fail to stick to commitments all the time. 

But you can use this to your advantage. If your psychology works for you rather than against you… then you’ll never fail…
  • If you’re willing to bet on yourself and use “loss-aversion” techniques, you will complete this challenge...
  • ​If you message your coach every week and track your progress, you will complete this challenge...
  • ​If you post to your private Facebook group and post your success, you will complete this challenge...
But what if I don’t like the diet plan?
We offer different diet plans you can choose from:
- Intermittent fasting
- Ketogenic
- Vegan/vegetarian
- Standard/carb cycling
- One meal a day

They ALL WORK. Choose the one that suits your lifestyle and taste buds.
But what if I don’t have time to go to the gym every day?
Great! The truth is, over-training can slow down your progress. During the challenge you will only have to go the gym 3 times per week.
Two choices...
Imagine knowing that in 42 days you will be a completely different person… literally. 

You’ll not only have the tight body and vitality that you’ve been wanting to get back for years…

You’ll have much more than that. 

Something that will guarantee your success in all other areas of your life too. 

Something that nobody can take away from you. 

This: the habits and mindset of a fit and healthy person. 

Or you can continue doing what you do. Feeling miserable about yourself and your weight. Hiding in photos, so people don't see your full body. Feeling less confident and lethargic. 

So what will you choose today?
Everything You Need to Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals is Here
Here are the tools you’ll get at the start of your 6-week body transformation:
Private Facebook group full of like-minded people to keep you on track and make quitting impossible
Videos and instructions of your workouts from beginning to end
Access your meal plan whether you’re at the grocery store or eating out
Tips and lessons on how to get your psychology right to stay consistent and overcome cravings
This evolving three-phase approach is the only diet guide you will ever need for fast fat loss
HIRT Workouts
Full video exercise library. Burn fat faster than ever with our unique fat loss training styles like Cardio Acceleration, Metabolic Conditioning, and Rapid Fat Loss
This is your step by step workout blueprint for the next 42 days. You can record all your progress here to stay motivated
Three different diet options that burn fat fast
Dieting does not have to be boring. Eat something new and delicious every day with this challenge recipe book that goes hand-in-hand with your diet plan
Cooking doesn't have to take days or countless hours every week. These fully loaded instructional videos and PDFs will teach you how to prepare all 21 meals for the week in under 2 hours
It Took Me Ten Years to Learn How to Radically Change Someone’s Physique in 42 Days
I was a chubby little 14 year old who refused to take his shirt off in the pool… 

Who I knew myself to be, or at least who I wanted to be, was no reflection of who I saw in the mirror.

Not only was I squishy and self-conscious, I also earned the title of weakest kid in my high school gym... only able to bench half the weight the other kids were pushing.
I already felt like an outcast, and now I found myself looking for a new gym where nobody would know me. This meant I had to beg for a ride everyday, or walk an hour to get there... but I was determined to create a better version of myself.

With the accountability and support from my cousin, and current business partner, I’ve been able to sculpt a “model physique”, worthy of Vitamin Shoppe and K-Tape advertisements.

The plan for this six-week challenge is the result of my life’s work. I’ve been testing, learning, researching fat-loss for the past decade. 

I’ve also been lucky enough to have access to many other elite fitness coaches. 

I’ve taken everything that I’ve learned and everything that has worked for my clients, and put it into the Gravity Transformation Challenge.

Why it Costs Just $100 to Join This VIP Challenge
In my ten-plus years of training clients and helping them reach their fitness goals, I’ve learned one life truth: 

“When people pay, they pay attention.”

I could have made this challenge FREE, but you know what?... If I did guess how many people would give it 100%, stick with the program and change their bodies to the point where they friends say: “Wow! What happened to you?” 

Can you guess? 

Right: ZERO. Everybody would find some excuse not to follow through: 

My boss made me work overtime so I missed my gym session.” 

“I didn’t do grocery shopping so I had nothing to eat in the house besides cookie dough.” 

“I didn’t get much sleep last night so I didn’t feel like working out.” 

And so on. 

Listen: We all have stuff going on in our lives. But the difference between those who get the body and the life of their dreams is that they SHOW UP. 

They stick with the plan. 

And they do that by putting some skin in the game. 

So that’s why I’m asking you to put a $100 bet on yourself. It’s not a crazy amount. But it’s an amount that you care about losing and that’s the key. 

If you care about losing it then you will work your ass off to make sure that you lose the 20lbs or 5% body fat by the end of 42 days. 

And think about this: $100 dollars is NOTHING compared to hiring a personal trainer. 

For example, if you were to hire me for one-on-one training in New Jersey, $100 dollars wouldn’t even get you and hour with me. 

I’m booked up with people wanting to pay me more than $100 per hour to train them. 

And I can accept or turn down these people because I’ve built a successful track record of happy clients who recommend my services. 

So if you wanted to hire me for 42 hours, that would cost you over $4,000. 

And remember… if you achieve your goal… you get your money back.
Our Unique Upside-Down Guarantee
When you lose 20lbs (or 5% bodyfat) we'll refund your money in full!

We’re disrupting the fitness industry in many ways.
  • Everyone else is telling you cut out carbs, we don’t 
  • Everyone else is telling you to eat 6-8 meals per day, we don’t
  • Everyone else is offering unconditional guarantees, we’re not
We’re a bit different, because It WORKS. 

But why would your business model lose money if people succeed? 

Good question. 

Here’s why: We want you to commit to a long-term lifestyle change, way beyond the 6 week shred challenge. 

So, that’s why we're offering you this benevolent bribe to get you started. 

We know that you’ll LOVE the results so much and you’re realize the power of applying behavioural psychology results to get you to take action…

That you’ll become students for life. 

Because you love the results. 

We're willing to lose your money and give it back to you with a smile.

So, when you lose 20lbs (or 5% bodyfat) we'll refund your money in full.
YES! I want to lose 20lbs of body weight in the next 6 weeks
Secure payments through paypal...
P.S. If you’ve read this far, I respect you, skimmers aren't serious. 

You're the type of person who is not afraid to make changes and take action to achieve your goals. 

I hope you’ll allow me to be a part of your journey to a new body and a new life. 

To your health and success, 
Max Posternak

Not sure yet? At least don't leave empty handed!
Download My FREE Sustainable Fitness Solution E-Book.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on starting point, goals and effort. Therefore no guarantee for exact or specific results for everyone. The information and suggestions provided are not intended as a substitute for consulting with your physician. All matters regarding your health require medical supervision. We shall not be liable or responsible for any loss or damage allegedly arising from any information or suggestions on this website.

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