In my ten-plus years of training clients and helping them reach their fitness goals, I’ve learned one life truth:
“When people pay, they pay attention.”
I could have made this challenge FREE, but you know what?... If I did guess how many people would give it 100%, stick with the program and change their bodies to the point where they friends say: “Wow! What happened to you?”
Can you guess?
Right: ZERO. Everybody would find some excuse not to follow through:
“My boss made me work overtime so I missed my gym session.”
“I didn’t do grocery shopping so I had nothing to eat in the house besides cookie dough.”
“I didn’t get much sleep last night so I didn’t feel like working out.”
And so on.
Listen: We all have stuff going on in our lives. But the difference between those who get the body and the life of their dreams is that they SHOW UP.
They stick with the plan.
And they do that by putting some skin in the game.
So that’s why I’m asking you to put a $100 bet on yourself. It’s not a crazy amount. But it’s an amount that you care about losing and that’s the key.
If you care about losing it then you will work your ass off to make sure that you lose the 20lbs or 5% body fat by the end of 42 days.
And think about this: $100 dollars is NOTHING compared to hiring a personal trainer.
For example, if you were to hire me for one-on-one training in New Jersey, $100 dollars wouldn’t even get you and hour with me.
I’m booked up with people wanting to pay me more than $100 per hour to train them.
And I can accept or turn down these people because I’ve built a successful track record of happy clients who recommend my services.
So if you wanted to hire me for 42 hours, that would cost you over $4,000.
And remember… if you achieve your goal… you get your money back.